First, we want you to know that your satisfaction is what matters most to us. If you order something from us and you don't absolutely love it out of the box, rest assured that you can return most items to us within 30 days of delivery for a refund.
To return an item, go to Our online portal provides you with everything you need to quickly and easily return any eligible purchase. For more detailed instructions about our return policy, and to find out what exclusions apply to returns, please continue reading below.
If we made a mistake, we'll take care of it. Period. If you received a defective or damaged product, please let us know so we can replace it for you. And don't worry- shipping charges are on us, both for the returned item and the replacement. In order to return your item, click here to open our returns portal. Simply follow the steps on the screen and you'll have everything you need!
Our return policy covers returns of most products in new or "like-new" condition up to 30 days after delivery. Items that cannot be returned include paint, furniture, our magazine, select oversize items, or anything damaged through normal wear and tear.
If you've decided you don't like what you ordered after having it in your home a couple of weeks, no problem. In order to return your item, click here to open our returns portal. Simply follow the steps on screen to print your return shipping label, and then place your package in the mail! You will receive a full refund for your item(s) less the original shipping charge.
Exchanges can only be made for different sizes of select apparel items, including t-shirts. In order to process an exchange, click here to open our returns portal. Simply follow the instructions on screen to return your item and order a different size.
For all other exchanges, simply return your item at and place an order for the item you'd like in exchanges.
If your paint product arrives incorrect or damaged, don't worry - we will replace it at no cost. To request a replacement for a damaged product, follow the instructions under "Defective or Damaged Items" above.
However, because each 276HomeDecor Paint product is made to order, undamaged paint products are non-refundable and cannot be returned. We suggest purchasing a sample in order to determine whether a paint product is right for your space.
If you order a276HomeDecor Home by Joanna Gaines rug from us and you don't absolutely love it, rest assured that you can return within 30 days of delivery for a refund.
To return it, please contact our Guest Services team and they will quickly resolve your issue. You'll need to provide your order number and reason for the return. If your item is damaged or defective, please email and include pictures of the damages. Once our Guest Services team has these images they will quickly help you return your rug for a refund or a replacement.
Again, we're here to help. If you ever need anything or have any questions, we'll do everything we can do to help you. Send us an email at for a speedy response from our guest services team, or call us anytime M-F 10:00-5:00 Pacific time (PST).
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